Aale Käsitöö OÜ

Manufacturing folk costumes from natural materials


Product categories

Viru Käsitöö Salong

In 1996 the souvenir shop Viru Käsitöö Salong was opened in Rakvere, Estonia where You can buy the wide variety of Estonian national handicraft.

We offer textile items, ceramics, jewelry, wood and leather items, souvenirs and handicraft materials from more than 250 producers from all over Estonia.

Viru Käsitöö salong

Manufacturing of folk costumes

We take individual orders but are also able to fulfill group orders.

In our souvenir shop Viru Käsitöö Salong in Rakvere one can experience an exhibition of folk costumes from Virumaa county which can help you to understand the variety of folk costumes better and perhaps also inspire you to order a set for yourself.
